Well, the weather has finally turned very cold and we've had snow, so I suppose it's officially winter. All these gray and gloomy days make me want to hibernate. Being from a conuntry where winter rarely hit temperatures below about 40 degrees Fahrenheit, these cold days where the temperature gets to about 20 degrees with a windchill of 11 degrees are downright painful! I know, I know, I should be used to it after living here for over 20 years, but well, I'm not. I have dreams of moving south to North or South Carolina or Georgia where it's warmer but.... Oh well.... One can dream right?
Anyway, this week I finished two commissions. One was for two sets of purple scarved Crystal Snowmen earrings and the other was for an Owl Pin. The Owl Pin came out very differently than I had originally planned, but that's sometimes the way it is with art. The customer is happy with the final piece, so I'm happy too. The owl cab was another of Kristie-Lou Brigham of Sculpted Windows Jewelry beautiful creations. I added a Red Jasper Cabachon, a freshwater pearl, seed beads, bugle beads, Swarovski crystals and tiny Charlottes and the Owl Pin was complete.
I do take commissions, so if there is a special piece that you would like to have made for a special someone in your life, let me know and I'm sure that we can come up with something fantastic!
Please also remember to check in on my store (the link is on this page) for items that are available for sale.